The Arbor are you all?
Sorry for a long wait to update this site. I have been busy and just couldn't find time to post. But I tried to keep up with my flower diary and took some pictures from time to time. Some were missed but we have a few to enjoy. I can't be long writing about them so Lets BEGIN!
If you click the pictures you will see the progress of the flowers how they've dramatically changed. Our spring weather was a bit weird but the flowers adopted the changed, some didn't make it and some did Okay. Like my early seedlings I transplanted outside just wilted when one night the temperature suddenly dropped. Some were saved and here---- we can enjoy to view their beauties as they keep growing.
The first picture is the Arbor that my husband made this spring as a Mother's Day gift.
Lilies did well. If you want to see more of my flowers this spring and summer click the Summer Blooms 2007 at the side.
Nasturtium SHOW
I'm surrounded by Nasturtiums.
Hope your garden is doing well and Have a good Summer!